Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mating Season in print!!!

So excited, just got this in the mail today....

Click here to buy your print copy.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Artist Friday!

I would like to take some time today to introduce you to some of my amazingly talented artist friends. Some of them I've known since childhood, some I've known for years and some I've been lucky enough to have recently met...they are all wonderful and I'm glad to know them. Now it's your turn to be introduced!

Annie aka, Mommy Babou~ Jewlery

Tiffany Hill~ Jewlery

Shaunna Peterson~ Paint

Lydiaemily Archibald~ Paint

Queenie~ A little bit of everything

Jim Ferante~ Design

Greyson Wolf~ Fangs

Jack Moore~ Poetry

If I missed someone this round, I apologize. I will be doing another. Please go check everyone out, buy something and come back next week when I will be listing my talented entertainer friends!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

There's nothing wrong with your face.

*sigh* this weekend was a hard but happy one for me. We celebrated my husbands birthday which was also supposed to be the due date of our child. Not going to lie, we were hoping for a girl and her name would have been Amelia after my grandmother...before we found out Max was a boy, it was going to be his name as well. Amelia was and is not to be, at 14 weeks along my body betrayed me. At least that's what I felt at the time and in the months that have followed. I was blindsided, but luckily in the Dr.'s office and they rushed me to the hospital and into surgery to stop the bleeding.... and it was over. I was alive, but our child was gone. The Dr told me the baby had ceased to be a few weeks before. I went through the range of emotions at top rate speed, how could I not have known?
April 11th came and it was almost a relief, like I could finally let go. I am the mother of two wonderful boys and will be mother-in-law to two wonderful women, or men if they should so choose. I have an amazing husband who has put up with me breaking my own heart over and over since. I have the best family and friends anyone could ask for and I am ready to let myself be happy...fully.
This is a song Ash gave to me when we first found out I was pregnant and I am just now able to listen to it again because it's a damn good song!


Monday, April 12, 2010

100% All American Beef Anthology Contest! Enter to win A Fab Prize!

Check this out and enter to win!

There are five books in this exciting series (one is mine!..whoot)
One coming out each week.
With the final release, Dedicated To You, on May 1st.
This anthology goes to print!
But there more....Also from the time of thie first release on April 3rd to May 1st!
Any reader who buys one of these books
or anyone who emails us at
with (Gimme some of those Hot American Men)
In the subject box.
Will be entered to win
Our All American gift basket
Filled with tokens of each book from DVD's to CD's
Military memorabilia and so much more
Plus a copy of this book in print!
At Sugar and Spice Press
Romance is Everything Nice!


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