Friday, May 13, 2011

Spring Fever!

As of late I have been on a cooking, baking and creating frenzy. I have created dishes I've always wanted to try, most of them successful. I even have brewed up a small bottle of mead....bigger batch still needs to be brewed this weekend. I've also been drawing and writing....I know it's been a looooong time between books, but don't fret, another is coming. I'm in revamp mode and it can't be fought.

Another change is my store. I was...and still am sort of, with Etsy. My main store is going to be here for now. I have a slight problem with the way Etsy has been running things lately....resellers and copyright infringers are running rampant yet when a seller calls them out, THEY get punished not the wrong doers...WTH? I just don't feel comfortable with clique's, and that's what Etsy has become :( I have moved over to Storenvy, I also feel that I will have a lot more leeway with what I can offer for sale.

So that's what's been going have you all been?


L-Boogie said...

Hey Cuz! Love your site- Sisters are doin for themselves! Check out my blog!! :) oxo

PinkyFingerCrafts said...

*Waving hello from Storenvy! and I totally agree with you on the Etsy thing. I closed my shop at Etsy about 2 weeks ago, they are so fee crazy and the constant relisting to keep the items seen just got to be too much. Anyway, glad I finally found my way to your blog - it's awesome!

Dorian said...

*Waves back*
Personally, I got a bit tired of the pretentiousness of it all. There are some really good stores but I really like Storenvy A LOT better. I think things will only improve with them.
Thank you so much! My writing is in transition mode but there will be more soon.


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